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Mukhyamantri Baal Hruday Yojana’ brings back smiles on kids’ faces : Dr. Raman Singh


Raipur, Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh spoke to the parents of children who have undergone treatment under the ‘Mukhyamantri Baal Hruday Yojana’ on mobile on the World Heart Day. He enquired about their well-being and education. The children had undergone successful operation procedures during the past years. Dr. Raman Singh wished them sound health and bright future ahead.
Mr. Amrut Yadav, a resident of Motipara Durg, was surprised to hear Chief Minister’s voice. Dr. Raman Singh enquired about his son 10-year-old Mr. Sagar and his health condition. Mr. Amrut Yadav is a vegetable vendor. Mr. Sagar’s mother is a house keeper. The son was operated upon five-years-ago. The father told Dr. Raman Singh that his son is totally fit and had gone to school. Chief Minister advised the father to take care of the son’s education. Mr. Amrut Yadav in an emotional tone expressed his gratitude to Chief Minister for his son’s miraculous recovery. Due to his financial condition it was difficult for providing him proper medical facilities.
Chief Minister then spoke to Mr. Sheetal Sahu, a resident of village Murtha Development block Nawagarh district Bemetara and enquired about his daughter Miss Mansi Sahu’s health condition. The girl had been operated upon when she was hardly six-month-old baby. Now she is 3-year-old. Mr. Sheetal Sahu and his wife work as daily wage laborers. He informed the Chief Minister that his daughter is leading a normal life after medical treatment. He thanked Dr. Raman Singh for bringing smiles back in the family.
Dr. Raman Singh rang up Mr. Shyam Bihari, a resident of village Gorakhpur Basti Kallari Development block Pratapur District Surtajpur and enquired about his son Mr. Ashutosh medical condition. The boy had been operated upon when he was hardly four-year-old at the Balaji Hospital. He is now 12 year-old and plays normally with the children of the school and locality. Mr. Shyam Bihari is a constable in 10th Battalion Silphili. Dr. Raman Singh advised the father to educate the son and make him an officer.
Chief Minister then spoke to Mr. Mohammad Moheem Khan resident of headquarter town Jagdalpur district Bastar and enquired about his daughter four-year-old Miss Afreen Nisha’s medical condition. She was operated upon two-years-ago. She is leading a normal life. The father is a small -time contractor. Miss Afreen’s mother spoke to Dr. Raman Singh in an emotional tone. Chief Minister blessed the girl with bright future ahead. The parents expressed their gratitude towards Dr. Raman Singh for helping them out of distress.


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